BioInference Initiatives

Data-driven meeting: problems and methodologies

Alongside the main conference of 2024, we are also running an optional event on the 5th June at Warwick.

This event aims to bring together mathematicians, statisticians and those who possess or generate datasets and would like to analyse them/answer some open questions. These may include biologists, clinicians etc in academia and industry. The idea of this meeting is to think about potential solutions to these data-based problems, gathering interest for possible collaborations between individuals across disciplines, institutions and career stages. The day would consist of three presentations by the experimental/business partners in the morning, and focus/discussion groups in the afternoon, aiming to start formulating an action plan to tackle the open challenges.

The programme for the day, as well as the titles of the three talks are available here.

Journal of Theoretical Biology special Issue on Bioinference: Trends and Reproducibility

Members of the organising committee are editing a special issue for the Journal of Theoretical Biology, titled “Bioinference: Trends and Reproducibility”.

The focus of this special issue is on biological problems approached by novel, reproducible solutions which sit at the interface of statistics, mathematics, and computer science. We strongly believe that your work fits perfectly to the scope of the special issue. We welcome articles that focus on providing solutions to challenging biomedical problems occurring in fields such as genetic epidemiology, infectious diseases, oncology, precision medicine, and cell dynamics, amongst others.

More information about the special issue, how to submit and corresponding deadlines can be found at:

If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, feel free to be in touch with one of the guest editors:

Marina Evangelou - Imperial College London Enrico Bibbona - Polytechnic of Turin Ioana Bouros - University of Oxford Aden Forrow - The University of Maine Julia Brettschneider - University of Warwick Fergus Cooper - University of Oxford Richard Creswell - University of Oxford Yongchao Huang - University of Aberdeen Ben Lambert - University of Oxford
